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    Educational Therapist | Learning Specialist | Good Sensory Learning

    About Dr. Warren

    Educational Therapist, Author, Learning Specialist, and Podcaster

    Good Sensory Learning is the brain-child of learning specialist and educational therapist Dr. Erica Warren. Tapping into her vast expertise and knowledge base regarding lifelong learning, cognitive development, and comprehensive diagnostic

    assessments, Dr. Warren developed mindful educational remedial materials, assessments, as well as multisensory lessons in math and reading instruction. Her cognitive remedial materials serve those with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, Executive Functioning Disorder and more.  Digital downloads are available online for educators, parents, therapists and students.  

    "I quickly learned that materials for learning specialists and educational therapists were scarce. What’s more, many resources were dull and boring.  As a result, I began to create my own multisensory, mindful and fun materials.  Soon, my students quickly experienced enormous gains and teacher’s were continually asking about my methods and materials.  As a result, I created 

    Education and Experience

    Aspiring to empower learners of all ages and abilities, Dr. Warren created a special degree program that united research and coursework in Educational Psychology, Special Education, School Psychology, Adult Education, and Coaching. Most recently, her coaching certification with Upbuild focused on counseling and supporting individuals through academic, personal, or career challenges so they can define and reach their ultimate goals. Her doctorate, from the University of Georgia, focused on the life-long impact of learning difficulties, the impact of specific learning difficulties across the lifespan and comprehensive diagnostic evaluations. Additionally, Dr. Warren completed a Masters degree in Educational Psychology, which focused on life-span development, cognition, and learning. Finally, Dr. Warren also has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts.  Dr. Warren’s diverse training has created a well-rounded expertise in the areas of learning, cognition, assessment and remediation. Much of Dr. Warren’s time remains devoted to working one-on-one with students where her unique, multi-sensory approach focuses on compensatory learning strategies, cognitive interventions, and remedial reading, writing, and math. Dr. Warren founded Learning to Learn, her private practice in 1999, Good Sensory Learning in 2006 and Learning Specialists Courses in 2015. 

    Learn more about Dr. Warren's courses @ Learning Specialist Courses and her private practice, Learning to Learn.

    All Of Dr. Erica Warren’s Sites: