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    Dyslexia Activities & Games – Good Sensory Learning

    Dyslexia Activities and Games

    Dyslexia and other learning disabilities create opportunities for teachers to implement creative and multisensory teaching approaches.  This collection of Dr. Warren's publications offers a number of unique and specialized educational materials and cognitive remedial tools that educational therapists, learning specialists, teachers and tutors can use to empower dyslexic students and other struggling learners.

    What Does Dyslexia Mean?                                                                     

    Dyslexia is a reading/processing disability that impacts basic reading skills, writing skills, spelling skills and memory recall.

    How to Test for Dyslexia:

    We offer an affordable dyslexia screener or test that can help you to determine the likelihood of having dyslexia.  If you would like to learn more and get a copy, CLICK HERE or on the image.

    What are the Symptoms of Dyslexia?

     Some common symptoms include problems with:
    1. letter and world reversals
    2. decoding words
    3. Reading aloud
    4. rhyming words
    5. telling directions
    6. dysnomia or recalling names or words
    7. spelling
    8. words problems in math.
    9. jokes, punchlines, sarcasm and inferences
    10. following a series of written or aural directions
    11. mispronouncing words

    What are the 3 most Common Types of Dyslexia?

    1) Dyseidetic Dyslexia or Visual Dyslexia: results when the decoding and or spelling of words is extremely difficult or troublesome for young learners.  With problems remembering or recalling irregular sight words, these learners often have adequate auditory processing skills and an understanding phonics.  Their core struggle lies with visual processing, memory synthesis and sequencing of words.  In addition, reading reversals (letter or word) are common, as well as writing difficulties.

    2) Dysphonetic Dyslexia or Auditory Dyslexia: results when decoding and or spelling of words is challenging because of auditory processing problems.  They do not have problems hearing, rather, they have trouble making sense of what they hear.  Most have adequate visual processing skills, but deficits often lie in phonemic awareness.

    3) Dysphoneidetic or Alexic Dyslexia: happens when both visual and auditory processing deficits are present.  Other names for this are Mixed Dyslexia or Dysphoneidetic Dyslexia 

    How Can Games and Fun Activities Help Students with Dyslexia?                     

    Because many struggling learners have negative associations with reading, making the learning process fun can help to rekindle a joy for learning.  Using games in the learning process, helps to motivate kids too and because they are having fun, lessons also become joyful and memorable.  Multisensory and creative activities can also spark the interest of struggling learners!  If you are interested in learning more about our learning games, CLICK HERE.