Dyslexia Writing Technology: Voice Dream Writer

Posted by Erica Warren on

This blog shares my video podcast, featuring dyslexia advocate and author, Winston Chen. Winston tells us all about the many benefits of his app, Voice Dream Writer for individuals with dyslexia. This is the fifth of many free video podcasts for Go Dyslexia! 


What is Voice Dream Writer?

Voice Dream Writer is an iOS app that can be used on an iPad or iPhone. It is an easy to use writing application that has a number of powerful features.

Teaching Writing

Voice Dream Reader Offers a Number of Helpful Tools:

  • Dictation or Voice to Text: Voice Dream Writer offers voice to text or dictation, so you can speak to your iPad or phone and the words will appear.
  • Proofreading: Now you can edit your writing by listening to the text spoken aloud. Like a personal proofreader, Voice Dream Writer uses text-to-speech technology, so that awkward sentences, grammatical errors and typos can be easily found. It addition, Voice Dream Writer can read words and sentences as they’re typed or dictated so that errors can be corrected in the moment.

dyslexia assessment

  • Word Finding and Definitions: Voice Dream Writer helps individuals find the right words through phonetic search or meaning search. For example, search for “inuf,”, and you will find “enough”, or search for “large balloon” by meaning and you will find “zeppelin.” Word Finder also shows the dictionary definition of a word.
  • Organizing Ideas: Voice Dream Writer automatically keeps a separate outline of headings, paragraphs and sentences. The Outline helps writers structure their writing and easily reorganize paragraphs and sections. In addition, it allows the author to go anywhere in a document without endless scrolling.
Teaching Writing Skills

Click the image below to watch our Video Podcast on YouTube: 

I featured Winston Chen in a blog and video podcast on Voice Dream Reader. Come watch my first video podcast with Winston Chen on his acclaimed app Voice Dream Reader.

Dyslexia and Voice Dream Reader Blog: https://goo.gl/kWF7Dp
URL to Video Podcast: https://youtu.be/OFfzRPFSBrQ
Audio version from iTunes: http://apple.co/1YfhJQE
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/warrenerica1

**Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More Videos:

https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user= warrenerica1

Let us know what you think!! Please help us spread the word by liking, commenting and sharing the video as well as this blog.

Cheers, Dr. Erica Warren

Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator, and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning. She is also the director of Learning to Learn and Learning Specialist Courses.

· Blog: https://learningspecialistmaterials.blogspot.com/
· YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/warrenerica1
· Podcast: https://godyslexia.com/
· Store: http://www.Goodsensorylearning.com/ 
· Courses: http://www.learningspecialistcourses.com/
· Newsletter Sign-up: https://app.convertkit.com/landing_pages/69400

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