Good Sensory Learning Blog — Math
Strategies that Strengthening Math Abilities for Struggling Elementary Students
Posted by Erica Warren on
There is often an easy solution to helping elementary students that struggle with math. But first, we must understand that the cause of the math troubles. Finding the Root Cause of Math Problems Elementary math difficulties often results from one or more of the following: lack of experience and practice working with numbers and symbols. drab or humdrum instruction. problems activating the needed areas of cognition to solve these problems. weaknesses in the cognitive areas of quantitative reasoning, spatial skills, visual processing sequencing, and working memory. What Happens to These Struggling Learners? Young learners often lose interest and motivation quickly when they...
Mathemagic: Multisensory and Mindful Math Strategies Tailored for the Individual
Posted by Erica Warren on
Many students struggle with the steps required to complete mathematical problems. They may forget the concept, miss a step, mis-sequence the steps, misread a sign, or struggle with writing out or lining up the numbers. Follow my blog with Bloglovin Encoding Math Facts for Long Term Memory In fact, even if a student has understood and executed a problem with precision, it doesn’t mean that they will retain that information at a later time. So what can we do to help these students to encode, into long-term memory, the steps required to complete math computations? The 3 Key Components for...
Measurement Memory Strategies for Elementary Students in the US
Posted by Erica Warren on
While most countries use the international metric system, the United States uses the old British Imperial System of inches and pounds. Many students struggle to remember conversions, but we have a strategy that can definitely help! What are some Fun and Memorable Ways to Teach Kids about The Imperial System? Would you like to learn some enjoyable and memorable ways to teach elementary students about measurement conversions? Measurement Memory Strategies is a clever, downloadable PowerPoint that teachers and parents can use to teach measurement strategies with fun imagery. Cute pictures help students quickly learn how many inches in a foot, how many cups in a...
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How to Make Multiplication Instruction Super Fun and Memorable
Posted by Erica Warren on
Multiplication Instruction that requires rote memorization is often a labor-intensive and boring task for young learners. Many kids spend countless hours with flashcards as well as paper and pencil drills. What if I told you that there was a better way? Instead, teachers can use songs, coloring activities, finger techniques, games, and strategies to make the multiplication quick and simple! What are Some Simple Strategies for Teaching the Times Tables? There are a number of strategies that can be used with students to master their multiplication tables: Just like students can learn how to count by 2s, 5s, and 10s, they can also learn to...