Free Preposition Instruction with Pierre the Proposition Mouse
Posted by Erica Warren on
Recently, one of my students expressed some confusion about prepositions. I reached into my cabinet looking for manipulatives and pulled out a stress toy that included a rubber mouse and his block of Swiss cheese. I explained that a preposition was anything that the mouse could do to the Swiss cheese. We decided to call the mouse Pierre and had fun giving him his own “voice.” We placed him in various positions in relation to the cheese to explore the many types of prepositions and had a good belly laugh.

To share our fun, we decided to create the following YouTube video:

I also offer a fun, multisensory publication called Preppy the Preposition Penguin. Students get to complete an art activity where they create Preppy the penguin as well as Preppy’s igloo. Then students can have fun exploring the different things that Preppy can do to his igloo by using prepositions. The download also includes lesson ideas, fun worksheets and three interactive games. To learn more, CLICK HERE or on the image below.

Cheers, Dr. Erica Warren
Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator, and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning. She is also the director of Learning to Learn and Learning Specialist Courses.
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