Remediating Reading Reversals, Tracking Difficulties and Visual Discrimination Weaknesses

Posted by Erica Warren on

Remediating reading reversals can be a difficult task. Not anymore! Good Sensory Learning now has many multi-sensory, digital workbooks that can make the process both simple and enjoyable.
Remediating Reading Reversals, Tracking Difficulties and Visual Discrimination Weaknesses

The First, Digital Workbook is Reversing Reversals:

This download offers game like activities, and it was so popular all over the world that more great activities were released.  

Would You Like to Learn About All the Resources?

Reversing Reversal Primary:

Fun activities strengthen and develop the core skills needed for reading and writing. All the activities and games utilize animal characters instead of letters and numbers. Areas of cognition addressed include:

visual memory, auditory memory, sequential memory, visual reasoning, auditory reasoning

  • visual discrimination
  • receptive language
  • listening skills
  • mental flexibility
  • attention
  • attention to details
  • visual tracking
  • spatial skills
  • directionality

To learn more, CLICK HERE

Visual Processing Workshop

    Reversing Reversals Beginners:

    Enjoyable activities strengthen and develop letter, number and symbol recognition. Areas of cognition addressed include:
    • visual discrimination
    • sequential processing
    • tracking
    • abstract reasoning
    • attention
    • pattern recognition
    • directionality

    To learn more, CLICK HERE

    Reversing Reversals:

    Engaging activities strengthen and develop letter, number and symbol recognition. In addition, this publication addresses left-right discrimination and cardinal directions. Areas of cognition addressed include:
    • visual discrimination
    • sequential processing
    • tracking, abstract reasoning
    • attention
    • pattern recognition
    • directionality
    To learn more, CLICK HERE

    Reversing Reversals 2:

    Enjoyable activities strengthen and continue to develop letter, number and symbol recognition. The publication offers pages that work on left-right discrimination and cardinal directions.
    Areas of cognition addressed include:
    • visual discrimination
    • sequential processing
    • tracking
    • abstract reasoning
    • attention
    • pattern recognition
    • directionality
    • Sorting activities for common reversals
    To learn more, CLICK HERE

    Visual Discrimination and Directional Activities

    Game-like activities improve one's ability detect subtle differences in images and symbols, including letters and numbers.  Activities also exercise one's ability to determine left from right and east from west.  These are great for online sessions.
    To learn more, CLICK HERE

    Visual Tracking Assessment and Activities for Improves Learning

    Pre and post assessments determine a learners abilities and engaging activities exercise visual tracking skills.
    To learn more, CLICK HERE

    Building Peripheral Vision, Visual Tracking and Visual Attention for Improved Reading and Scanning

    These video based activities can be used on a computer or iPad to exercise visual tracking and peripheral vision.
    To learn more, CLICK HERE

    Visual Reasoning and Tracking Activities

    Fun activities help to exercise and remediate both visual reasoning and tracking skills. 
    To learn more, CLICK HERE

    Happy kids reading

    Cheers, Dr. Erica Warren

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