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    Visualization Techniques & Lessons | Good Sensory Learning

    How to Improve Visualization Skills - Techniques & Lessons

    Here is a list of all of Dr. Warren's products that help teach children how to improve their visualization abilities for academics.  We offer two PowerPoint lessons with embedded activities as well as a comprehensive document that reviews the research and provides all the assessment tools and activities to strengthen this skill.

    Teaching visualization skills

    What is Visualization?

    Visualization or mental imagery is the ability to create images within one's mind.  The mental pictures allow individuals to "see" past experiences, present ideas, or future projections.  These mental images can happen spontaneously or they can be induced through suggestion.  Some people have very vivid and active visualizations while others are virtually blind.   

    Why is Visualization Important for Learning?

    Visualization is vital for learning, because it can help students:

    • sustain attention
    • make connections to prior knowledge
    • picture readings for enhanced enjoyment
    • visualize ideas before writing
    • utilize memory strategies
    • enhance memory

    How can we Develop a Student's Visualization Capacity?

    Because visualization is an internal process, it's important to:

    What are the 10 Visualization Skills Students Can Develop?

    There are 10 core visualization skills that students can develop:

    1. What: What are the objects in one's visualization?
    2. When: What is the year and time of day?
    3. Where: What is the location?
    4. Quality: What are the sizes, colors, sounds, smells, textures, or tastes?
    5. Quantity: How many objects/details?
    6. Relation: How are the objects related to one another?
    7. Position: What is the point of view or angle and how are the objects positioned?
    8. Accessories: Are there other notable details?
    9. Action: Are there any actions/movements?
    10. Reaction: Does the visualization include any emotions?