Popular Following Directions Worksheets are Fun and Effective

Posted by Erica Warren on

Learning to follow directions is a critical skill for young children. Whether they are complying with a parent's directives, teachers' written instructions, or following oral commands from a coach or mentor, those that can implement this ability have a major advantage.

Kids excited about doing following directions activities

What Does it Mean to Follow Directions?

Following directions is the implementation of a series of requested tasks. Directions can be presented orally, or in written form, and involve the understanding and interpretation of language.  Many children struggle with this skill, because it requires them to:

  • use their working memory to hold, remember and recall a sequence of directives
  • make sense of subtle linguistic cues
  • maintain attention
  • process auditory and/or visual information

Why is it Important for Students to Follow Directions?

Parents and teachers are continually providing kids with oral and written instructions for everyday life, classroom behaviors, and homework assignments.  In addition, tests and assessments always involve specific instructions and multiple-choice tests are packed with tricky wording that kids need to understand. 

Where Can I Get Materials That Teach and Strengthen Following Directions Skills?

The Following Directions series, by Dr. Erica Warren, was created to help students develop listening skills, follow written directives, comprehend test questions, and solve tricky multiple-choice problems. In addition, the activities improve attention skills, vocabulary, mental flexibility, spatial and sequential memory, as well as executive functioning abilities.  To learn more about these fun publications, CLICK HERE  or on the image below.

collage of following directions workbooks
Clearly, learning to follow directions can help young students succeed in the classroom and maximize their academic potential.   

bring delight to learning

Cheers, Dr. Erica Warren

Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator, and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning. She is also the director of Learning to Learn and Learning Specialist Courses.

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