Unleashing Learning Potential - Simple Strategies for Success
Posted by Erica Warren on
Back in 2017, I was interviewed by Elisheva Schwartz, a fabulous entrepreneur that hosts the Dyslexia Quest Podcast. It was a really fun and lively discussion that centered on the amazing benefits of mastering the metacognitive skill, visualization. There is a wealth of information in this podcast, so I hope you will take the time to listen.

What Does the Podcast Address:
- My own background and expertise.
- The benefits of visualization for reading, writing and other areas of academics.
- The ways visualization builds attention skills.
- My journey on expanding my own personal visualization abilities.
- My work with students to develop their mind’s eye.
- The process of visualization training.
- Elisheva shares her own struggle utilizing visualization when she was a young student.
- We discuss how visualization brings the “fun factor” into learning.
- The history of visualization.
- How visualization can help in everyday life.
- I play a game with Elisheva that helps to strengthen visualization skills.
- Where to get visuals when the mind is having trouble.
- Ways to use audiobooks to improve visualization.
- Using games to improve visualization abilities.
- How to take text and turn it into mental imagery.
- How to support your children with dyslexia.
- How Can I Access This Podcast - The Secret Weapon to Unleashing Your Learning Potential:
Be sure to give the episode a thumbs up, and all comments are welcome. If you can share the podcast on social media too, that would be awesome!

Where Can I Learn More About Developing Visualization Skills?
I have found that the best way to teach visualization is through games and mindful discussions. To help with this process, I wrote a book entitled Mindful Visualization for Education. This 132 page downloadable document offers a review of the research, assessment tools, over twenty game-like activities and lesson suggestions in all the subject areas as well as for vocabulary development and listening. In addition, I offer two PowerPoint downloads that review the 10 core skills that need to be developed to optimize visualization abilities.
If you have any thoughts on visualization for learning, please post a comment! Also, if you have had success with visualization and learning, please share your experiences.
Cheers, Dr. Erica Warren
Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator, and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning. She is also the director of Learning to Learn, and Learning Specialist Courses.
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