It’s all in the Presentation - Place Value Games a Success
Posted by Erica Warren on
If students are subjected to boring presentations and endless practice problems, many may disengage and some may even act out. Have you ever heard the expression, “It’s all in the presentation?”

How to Make a Lesson Fun and Engaging:
The way a teacher presents new class topics can impact each student’s interest, degree of focus, as well as their learning curve. For example, a teacher could announce, “We will be starting a new unit on script tomorrow morning,” or they could say, “I have great news! Tomorrow we will be starting one of my favorite activities, roller coaster letters!” The second presentation will surely create a greater sense of excitement and anticipation. However, teachers are not only contending with the constant challenge of making their lessons engaging, but they also have to accommodate diverse learning styles. For instance, some students need to see examples, others are aided with manipulates, still others may need to process ideas aloud or make connections through webs or a sequence of steps. Clearly, presenting materials in a multi-sensory way is key so that all students can learn to their best of ability. But addressing all these issues can be overwhelming and exhausting.
Our Place Value Games:
Place Value Games: Golf, Hockey, Bowling Shuffleboard and Stair Toss and Place Value Panic were created at Good Sensory Learning to help address these issues. Students can now learn about place value through interactive, multi-sensory games that are easy to make, appealing and fabulously fun. This is one of many learning games and activities at Good Sensory Learning. Come check out all our learning games!
Cheers, Dr. Erica Warren
Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator, and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning. She is also the director of Learning to Learn and Learning Specialist Courses.
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