Free Reading and Spelling Game for the TCH or CH, DGE or GE, CK or K Rules
Posted by Erica Warren on
The English language is packed with confusing rules that can make decoding and reading difficult tasks to master. What's more, many of the workbooks and activities are boring, and even if students complete the lesson, it doesn't mean that they can apply the content in a different learning situation. However, presenting the same content in a game-like format can make a lesson memorable and engaging even for struggling learners.

Here is a fun game that my students love to play. It's great for literacy centers or reading centers, and it will also assist students with spelling.
Game Materials:
- 1.5 -2.0 hole punch or round object that can be traced
- Craft paper
- Laminating sheets and laminator or
- Round wooden discs from the craft store and glue
- Playing cards: You can purchase blank playing cards on Amazon: see link at the bottom, or use laminated craft paper and then write the letters on the blank side with a permanent marker.
How to make the game - using TCH and CH:
- Place the word beginnings onto playing cards. I make a stack of at least forty cards. Twenty cards should illustrate the beginning of TCH words such as MA, WI, DU, and STI. The other twenty cards should illustrate the beginning of CH words such as MUN, HUN, BEA, and BEL. Many lists can be found on the internet.
- Make the spinning disc with the two word ending options on either side. You can glue craft paper and colorful l
etters onto wooden discs, or glue two, thick, round pieces of craft paper together and laminate.
- Teach the students the spelling rule: TCH is usually used after a short vowel sound, and CH comes after a consonant or long vowel sound.
- Teach the students the spelling rule: DGE is
usually used after a short vowel sound, and GE comes after a consonant or long vowel sound.
- Teach the students the spelling rule: CK is usually used after a short vowel sound, and K comes after a consonant or long vowel sound.
How to play:
- At the beginning of each turn, the player spins the round disc w
ith the word endings on them. Hold the disc with one finger as illustrated and flick the edge with another finger.
- When the disc falls to the table, select a card with the word beginning.
- Put the word beginning and word ending together to see if it forms a word with the correct spelling.
- If it does, the player gets to keep the card. If not, the card is returned to the bottom of the stack.
- The winner is the first player to collect 10 cards.

I hope you enjoy this game. I would love to hear you thoughts.
Cheers, Dr. Erica Warren
Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator, and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning. She is also the director of Learning to Learn and Learning Specialist Courses.
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